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I am Javaness!

Bwa ha ha ha..[thanks Galz]

Akhirnyaaaa, ada lagi yang mengakui ke-jawa-anku..
Untuk darah 100% Sasak yg mengalir ditubuhku, pengakuan kesekian ini bisa juga sbg bukti kalo lidahku memang 'bunglon' bener..

It can spell any other languages easily,as soon as my ear hear their first spell n words..
Me myself, recognize it at my first time stay a nite at a Bapaks kampung...Kotaraja, East Lombok..
Only takes half of the day while coincindently I speak as those local kampung accent..
And it remain 4 two weeks..I need one weeks to make my accent back to my previous one, as Selong-ers [ha ha, maksa lagih]..
as FYI, at Lombok, there could be extrim differences [accent, mostly] at two neighborhood residence..even if those two were only separate by small local street!

Coba saja liat identitasku di blog gadis badung satu ini..Speaks Javanesse with BundaSalwa..
Kalo saja Reth bilang, Speaks Sasakness, well, thats will be much more realistic..
But, thank u so much least, pengakuan kamu membuat aku harus lebih bisa mboso[Amin], makin gali[hehe]..dan bener2 njawani[amin lagih]..

Hope so..

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  1. Komenku ora mlebu kabeehh, hixss...

  2. lha ki, wis mlebu..:)

    ayo-ayo kawanku..kita bersiap, buat nge-MP..
    MPnya bagus, sering dibaca..postingnya enak, hasilnya enak, beta-nya rese, mari berMP.. [mbacanya pake lagu Nanam Jagung yak..--kalo km inget say :D]


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