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My, always, Tepar Wiken..

I love making new phrase of my own..n believe, that there were many persons out there could read n understand it by reading them by their heart..[halah]

Have Ngolet n Ngaum [aka Nguap] for almost ten times :P

All this tepar starts on Saturday..
Daily works at The Office which was closed by 2 hours routine briefing, I back home with my minds full of this n that..

Ms Rinto ngampul again, n till Buka Times not coming back yet..Again have had Buka's Meal alone :(

Then, He back at around 8pm with 8 big fishes..He urged to mentioned the kind of those three different kind fishes.."The white one is Mendut Fish..cooked it any style, the taste as same as you eat chicken..The one that looked like Keplek fish [lali jeneng basa Indonesia-ne jek :D], named Kerang-Kerong..Mostly, they will have benjolan [:P] at their body..The last is 'lali' jek [will asks him 2 weeks later :P]

'satu wajan, sdikit minyak goreng, tidak smua ikan tsb tergoreng..ikan terakhir matang distengah 10 dan aq blum mandi :D..terpaksa mandi di10 malam dg air dingin [I do invite my tepar body, didn't I?]..halah, ms Rinto yg dibela2in mandi malam, malah KO tertidur lengkap dg smua bajunya [my hubby always sleep only with his uncustomed with any bedrooms temperature..] dan tak terbangun sampe jam 9 pagi, saat aq datang bersama Salwaa yg ngamuk2 karna g bisa maen ayun2 di ADA..'

Sunday morning, have had an appointment to accompany one of my neighboor, who likes to suwuk [ada yg tau basa Indonesianya? so, bisa dipaksa terjemahin ke Inglish :P] her baby to be accustomed by milk bottle..She was a working mother n have to leave her son at another neighboor..the boy baby still always crying whenever hungry or thirsty..He should have that suwuk to make him [gilaaaaaa, hapalanQ pada kmana siyyy]..

Can not finishing this write, this Monday morning, my body felt so undelicious, many wind enter [rusak....rusakkk :P]

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  1. hehehe...aku jg ngerti bun, even agak agak bingung geto, harus menterjemahkan 2x. :p

    Btw, nama ikannya kok aku ndak ada yg tau yak? fotonya dunk. :)

  2. Hu Dew : he2, galak2 masih ber-hati juga kan Hu? :P

    G bisa moto niy Hu..pan g punya camdig..HP msh black n white screennyak :D

    Ada yg mo minjemi camdig g?

  3. Hayahhh...
    inilah salah satu yg ngangenin dari Bunsal, bahasa penulisan ngawurnya, huehehehe..

    Bagus juga trik dikau ya Bund, jadinya bikin orang berlama-lama ria ngendon di rumah dikau, sibuk muter2 pikiran ampe mumet menterjemahkan kata per kata, hihihi

  4. ~reth~ : hiak hiak hiak..(lol)
    fol in lap at first mumet? :D


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